Sunday, April 12, 2009

Draft 2: April 30 or Before

Draft 2 is due on April 30, or before giving you just about three weeks for this revision. 10% will be deducted for every day that it is late. Remember that this is a draft, but works should be cited properly. You can work with a partner on this but if there are problems collaborating you are still responsible for getting your work done. The team work is a choice you can make.

For draft 2, the class posed the final rubrics:

1. 10 Blogs = 1 pt each = 10%
2. 4 additional articles = 10%
3. Glossary of 20 key words = 10%
4. Word limits = 30%

500-800 = 5%, 800-1200 = 10%, 1200-1600=20%, 1600-2000 = 30%

Must not include large block quotes. Only your writing here.

5. Materials section = 40%

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