Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Draft 2

In draft 2 you will need to improve your writing, and build upon draft one. Remember that the work you give must be your work. It must be original. If you use large quotes they MUST be referenced AND this is one rule that just never changes.

For draft 2, the class posed the final rubrics:

1. 10 Blogs = 1 pt each = 10%
2. 4 additional articles = 10%
3. Glossary of 20 key words = 10%
4. Word limits = 30%

500-800 = 5%, 800-1200 = 10%, 1200-1600=20%, 1600-2000 = 30%

Must not include large block quotes. Only your writing here.

5. Materials section = 40%

Today, write a response to the following.

You have evaluated your own paper, and this was later checked by your instructor. How does this make you feel? What is a good point about self-evaluations? What do you need to change to do better on the next draft?




  1. About the first question evaluating my paper let me feel I can trust my abilities in how I write my papers. About the self evaluation the good thing about it is I have to do my best in my paper so, I can get the full mark for the things we were asked to do. Finally, I need to go deeper in what I am talking about in my paper and make it better in a clear way and hand in my work on time.

  2. Hi,
    Self evolution sounds good as it make us more confidence and aware about what we really deserve. For the second draft we should learn from the previous mistakes because it’s the path to prevent us from falling in these mistakes again, so it’s going to work really for getting a perfect draft as we hope in the future.

  3. You have evaluated your own paper, and this was later checked by your instructor. How does this make you feel? What is a good point about self-evaluations? What do you need to change to do better on the next draft?
    I think it good way to student gets marks but, in other way must this depend on our teacher
    To get right evaluation and that will be fear for everybody.
    Other point maybe some student be unfair to them self that will cause some problems.
    I prefer to be the final decision in your hand.

  4. Hi
    I feel that it’s good and I think it’s learning how we can trust our self. I think i need to go deeper in my topic and making it bigger by adding useful thing in every section. Finally, how Fayez mention we should handed it in time.

  5. You have evaluated your own paper, and this was later checked by your instructor. How does this make you feel? First of all I feel relax. Put now I has some problem with the new draft. What is a good point about self-evaluations? The best thing is to depend in our self what do you need to change to do better on the next draft? I need to but more information and more picture.

  6. I think it is a good way because it let me feel honest with myself and I feel that the instructor trust me and that make me work more and more in the future to keep this trust and in the next draft I think that we need to make weakly blog in order to expand our thinking and develop our writing and reading skills
    Thanks a lot
    Mohammed Almatrooshi

  7. Good Afternoon
    Self-evaluation is a good idea, but sometimes it could be bad idea because we don’t know how to evaluate our self and some students exaggerate too much. I feel that the best idea is the evaluation by a teacher. It is better to do the second draft in two partners that Ahmed Al Kodary chose the two students.
    Thanks a lot.
    Omar Al Shemaili

  8. This good and bad idea becuse the evaluate helps other to know a result and when the teacher put marks and bad idea because we are human must put us a good marks but i not deserve it that.Also this good evaluate because I know my mistake and where section I improve in second draft.Also put more details about materials and put a good orgnaize for my project.

  9. You have evaluated your own paper, and this was later checked by your instructor. How does this make you feel? What is a good point about self-evaluations? What do you need to change to do better on the next draft?

    first of all, i'm glad that my teachers trusting us evaluating on our papers .. it makes me feel better . it leeds me to put the point in the right place. i've to read more and to put my paper with better section than it was.

    my regards,

  10. By evaluating my self, I felt a big cooperation from Mr.Steve and more transparency between the students and the teacher I think.

    In my point of view, I think evaluating ourselves may teach us credibility and self-confidence.

    At the mean time, I should focus on increasing words numbers, adding a material section and so on as agreed. I should concentrate on making my language as simple as I can.

  11. Evaluating my own paper!!
    I guess it was a new way I have never experienced before. It showed me that I should pay more attention to my teacher in the class and don’t rush thing and follow his steps. Although I did not score good points, I thought that the final mark will be given by the instructor on the content of the essay. Also I want to thank both Mr. Steve and Richard for being so understanding during my last talk with them. For the last question, I’ll focus on what we agreed to in the class and I might reorganize the materials section and other sections as well.

  12. Hi,
    In my point of view I think my draft 1 and self evaluation are really good. In addition I think also, I learned how to be confident about myself and it's made me feel that I can do a lot more. Moreover, the only negative point in my draft 1 is the lack of words and this is what I’m worried about.

  13. Hi,
    i think self evaluation give me more confidancee for what we did in draft1.i faced some problem that in resarch about my topice. i will work more in materials part in draft2.
